As Earth Day approaches, at B. Fernández & Hnos. we want to reiterate the importance of consuming healthy and organic food and produce, as these contribute to good health and overall wellness of our planet in a variety of ways.
Since these foods usually do not use pesticides, these substances do not go to the ground and therefore do not pollute the land. Organic foods also save water, as intelligent irrigation systems are used, helping to save as much as possible.
At B. Fernández & Hnos we have organic, non GMO, gluten free products as part of our wellness portfolio, which includes Applegate’s meats and sausages that come from animals raised free of antibiotics, preservatives and additives, allowing the natural behavior of livestock and promoting a cycle of self-sustaining resources on a farm. Tate's Bake Shop brand that includes healthy, sugar-and-gluten-free cookies, and Sahale Snacks that incorporate a variety of healthy seeds and nuts mixes, made free of synthetic fertilizers to reduce soil pollution.
In the same way, we distribute the variety of Apple & Eve juices, made with 100% juice. They do not contain added sugars or preservatives and are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Apple & Eve also offer a complete variety of organic 100% juices in a 64oz bottle. For years, Apple & Eve has not only taken care of the way they make their juices to support the health of consumers and the well-being of the planet, but they have also encouraged recycling by creating tutorials on how to recycle empty juice containers in a fun and engaging ways for children of all ages.
In conclusion, our wellness brands have distinguished themselves by providing products that are respectful of the environment and contributing considerably to improving the health of consumers and the planet.